Sprout Control for the Organic Grower

Clove oil, the active ingredient in Sprout Torch®, is a natural compound that burns peeps and sprouts at the surface of the potato.  It is an approved material under the Washington State Department of Agriculture Organic Food Program. In just a few days following its application, most visible sprouts and peeps turn black, dry up and ultimately drop away.

A Fresh Look

Sprout Torch® rapidly turns most peeps and sprouts brown and black.  It is effective on any variety and is temporary in action. This enables growers to freshen the exterior of stored potatoes so that they look rejuvenated and ready for market.

Washington State Department Organic Seal

Product Specifications

♦ 100% Clove Oil

♦ 5 gallon containers

One gallon of Sprout Torch® treats from 1,000 CWT to 3,500 CWT depending upon the number, length and age of the sprouts as well as the head space in the storage facility.


Sprout Torch® is applied in storage with regular thermo-fogging equipment.  Due to its distinctive short-term odor and flavor, a wait of at least three days is recommended before packing.  The benefits are effective for up to 2-3 weeks, depending upon the storage temperature and sprout susceptibility of the potatoes.